How to Maintain My Wife's Youthful Appearance


 How to Maintain My Wife's Youthful Appearance

 Your wife can look exactly the same today as she did when you got  married. Even though she turns 60 or there about, her youthful appearance makes her look like she’s somewhere in her late 30s or early 40s at most. She stays healthy by eating well and working out regularly, but  maintaining your wife’s youthful appearance is by paying close attention to some specific beauty maintenance measures every day. Here are the four easy ways to keep your wife looking younger than ever...

Applying Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the best things you can do to keep your wife looking young. Exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays can cause wrinkles and age spots, so it's important to protect your wife's skin from the sun's rays. 

Applying sunscreen is a simple, yet effective way to keep your wife looking young and beautiful.Not only is sunscreen important for maintaining your wife's youthful look, but it also helps maintain your marriage.

 Studies have shown that couples who wear sunscreen together experience higher levels of satisfaction in their sex life and are more likely to engage in romantic activities. So make sure you and your wife are both wearing sunscreen when you go out on dates or spend time together.

By protecting your wife's skin with sunscreen, you'll be preserving her youthful appearance and making sure your marriage stays healthy and vibrant.

Use Anti-Aging Products

Keeping your wife looking young and vibrant is important in any relationship. Using anti-aging products is a great way to do this and keep the spark alive in your marriage.

 While these products are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and diet, they can help to reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines.There are many different types of anti-aging products available. Depending on your needs, you may want to try moisturizers, serums, eye creams, and more. 

It's important to find the right product for your wife's skin type and condition.Researching online or asking a dermatologist is a great way to determine the best anti-aging solution for your wife.

Once you've found the right anti-aging product for your wife, make sure to incorporate it into your daily routine. Make it part of your date nights - take time out to pamper your wife with a facial or massage that incorporates the anti-aging product. And don't forget to use it yourself - keeping your skin looking younger will help keep the sex life hot in your marriage!

Eat a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways to keep your wife looking young. Eating a balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help keep her skin glowing and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. 

Not only that, but it can also boost her overall energy levels and improve her overall health.

Start by ensuring that she is getting a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in her diet. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all good sources of vitamins and minerals that can help to keep her skin looking youthful.

 Eating fish, such as salmon or mackerel, is also a great way to get omega-3 fatty acids which can help reduce inflammation and keep her skin looking its best.

It's also important to limit processed foods and refined carbohydrates, as these can be damaging to the skin and body. Opt for healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, fruit, yogurt, or even popcorn with olive oil instead. 

And don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day.By following a nutritious diet and making sure that she is getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals she needs, you can help keep your wife looking young and beautiful for many years to come.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your wife's youthful appearance. Exercise helps keep the body toned and healthy, while also boosting your overall mood and energy levels. It can also help reduce stress and improve your overall physical health.

Regular exercise can help your wife keep her skin looking younger and fresh by increasing the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to her skin. Exercise also helps burn calories, which can lead to weight loss and help reduce the signs of aging.

When choosing an exercise program for your wife, it's important to select activities that are both safe and enjoyable for her. Low impact activities like walking, swimming, or cycling are great options, as they are gentle enough to be done without putting too much strain on her body. 

More intense activities such as strength training or cardio can also help keep her body toned and youthful looking.

It's also important to make sure she gets adequate rest when engaging in exercise. This will help her body recover from any physical stress that exercise puts on it. 

Additionally, making sure she has proper hydration before and after exercise can help prevent dehydration and support a healthy recovery.Finally, don't forget to give her plenty of positive reinforcement throughout her exercise routine to help keep her motivated. Encouragement and praise can go a long way in helping her stay motivated and reaching her fitness goals.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting plenty of sleep is essential for maintaining a youthful appearance. Not only does it help to reduce the signs of aging, but it also provides the body with the rest and relaxation it needs to stay healthy and strong. 

When it comes to keeping your wife looking young, making sure she gets enough sleep is key. The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of quality sleep each night. If your wife is struggling to get enough restful sleep, here are a few tips to try:

1. Set a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day can help your body's internal clock get into a rhythm and help you fall asleep easier.

2. Create a comfortable sleep environment. Make sure the bedroom is dark, cool, and free from noise or other distractions. Also, consider investing in quality bedding and mattresses that will give your wife the support and comfort she needs for a good night's rest.

3. Keep stress levels low. Stress can be detrimental to our physical and mental health, so it's important to find ways to manage it in order to achieve a better night's sleep.

 This could include things like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises before bedtime. 

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure your wife gets the quality sleep she needs to look and feel her best.

Drink Plenty of Water

When it comes to maintaining a youthful appearance, drinking plenty of water is an absolute must. Water helps to keep our skin hydrated and can help reduce wrinkles. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body, promoting overall health.

 Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day is recommended for optimal health, and this is especially important when it comes to keeping your wife looking young. In addition to drinking water, make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in her diet. 

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants which help fight free radicals that can damage the skin and lead to wrinkles. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will also provide her with essential vitamins and minerals that are important for good skin health.

Lastly, make sure to protect her skin from the sun. Too much sun exposure can cause premature aging of the skin, so it’s important to protect her skin with sunscreen or a hat whenever she goes outside. 

By following these tips, you can help keep your wife looking young and beautiful for years to come.

Don't Smoke

Smoking is one of the most damaging habits for skin health, and is a major contributing factor to premature aging. It reduces collagen production and damages elastin, which are both essential for keeping skin looking young and healthy.

 The smoke from cigarettes also leads to an increase in wrinkles, age spots, and dryness. By quitting smoking, you can help maintain your wife's youthful appearance and protect her skin from further damage.

In addition to the effects smoking has on skin, it also impacts the body's immune system, making your wife more susceptible to infections and illnesses that can make her look older. Quitting smoking can help reduce the likelihood of developing serious health problems and keep her looking younger for longer. 

There are many resources available to help people quit smoking, including counseling, medications, and nicotine replacement therapies. If your wife is considering quitting, encourage her to talk to her doctor about the best plan for her. Together, you can develop a plan that is right for her and can help keep her looking and feeling young.


As we’ve seen, there are many simple steps that can be taken to maintain your wife’s youthful appearance. From healthy eating habits and regular exercise to taking the time to pamper her with spa treatments and special gifts, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your beloved looking as young as ever.

 Remember, your love and care is the most important factor in preserving her beauty. Show her how much you appreciate her and the years of beauty she brings to your life!

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Date Night Tips for Spouses Who Have Forgotten How to Date Each Other


 Date Night Tips for Spouses Who Have Forgotten How to Date Each Other

Date nights are an integral part of any marriage, but many couples find themselves drifting apart over time due to the stresses and responsibilities of life.

 However, date nights can help you and your spouse spend quality time together and rekindle that connection that made you fall in love in the first place.

 Whether you want to do something out of the ordinary or just go with something simple like dinner and a movie, this guide will show you how to date my wife by creating new memories and using this opportunity to show your love.

Talk About What You Want

I want date night tips that are applicable to our current situation. I would like some ideas on how we can meet each other's needs and find ways of satisfying one another. 

I want new ideas and fresh perspectives that will open up the doors of intimacy in our marriage. I also want dating site reviews, advice, and information so we can get the most out of dating each other again.

 The more knowledge we have about what to do, what not to do, where to go, and which dating sites offer the best service and satisfaction guarantees the better it will be for both of us.

Get Creative

You can satisfy your desire to date by dating your spouse. Start with getting dressed up and going out on a date. You might feel awkward at first, but it will be worth it.

 Be sure to pay attention to what they want and need and work on satisfying them. If you are not sure how, try using a dating site where you both get access to find someone that satisfies you both.

Dress Up

Your wife might not be as excited about this plan as you are. You're going to need some help convincing her that a night out is just what the both of you need. Here's how:


Rent a dating site with your spouse and go on a movie date there. It'll feel like you're on an old fashioned date while wearing all of the newest trends at the same time! Be sure to wear cute outfits, too. 

Try the site now and start chatting with singles in your area tonight!

Do Something New Together

Dating sites are great resources if you're both shy, but if not, try one of these activities: 

-Dinner and a Movie: Pick a restaurant that has good food and treats your date as more than an opportunity to get food. If you can't afford the dinner, take turns picking a movie (or TV show) each week until you both have seen something. Afterward, pick a new restaurant for the following week.

Make it a Priority

The first thing you should do is set aside time, just for the two of you. Plan a date night so that you can reconnect with each other and focus on what brought you together in the first place.

 If your schedules are too busy, try making it a priority to take an hour or so out of your day during the week when both of you can be available and spend it with each other.


Dating sites are a great way to meet new people in your area. You can find other spouses who are looking for new connections, friendships or even love! 

Give it a try and see what happens! If you don't want to sign up for an online dating site, the next time you go out on a date with your spouse, let them take the lead and ask you questions about yourself that they would never usually ask.

 Make sure you reciprocate by asking them questions too so that this becomes part of your routine when going out on dates together.

How To Satisfy My Partner First Thing In The Morning


 How to satisfy my partner first thing in the morning


If you’re like me, you’re usually up first thing in the morning. And if you’re up first, your partner probably isn’t far behind you.

 She or he wakes up and comes to you looking for some physical affection, and while this may seem nice at first glance, there are many ways that this can actually be pretty frustrating.

 Here’s how to satisfy your partner first thing in the morning so that neither of you feels that your needs aren’t being met first thing in the morning!

The benefits of a good morning

A good morning starts with sex. A study found that people with a more active sex life were happier and healthier overall.

 It's important for your relationship as well- A relationship is all about communication, which is difficult if you're not having sex.

 It also relieves stress, which can be devastating to your health over time. Plus, it releases endorphins, which will make you feel better mentally and physically.

 Sex is a great way to spice up your relationship- the best way! I'm sure you've noticed how some of your friends date different guys, but then always come back to their boyfriend after a few weeks? The problem was that they never satisfied their boyfriend enough so they went elsewhere to get what they needed.

 In order to keep him happy, I'll make sure I satisfy him first thing in the morning before he has time to worry or daydream about anything else.

Tips for a great morning

Many people wake up with an erection as a result of REM sleep. This is a natural occurrence and doesn’t mean anything about your sexual desire for your partner.

 For couples, it may be an opportunity for intimacy. However, some men are not aroused by their wives or girlfriends and this can cause problems within the marriage. One way to overcome this problem is by waking up before your spouse and giving them oral sex while they are still asleep.

 If you want to go further you could use vibrating sex toys on his penis. 

In order to create more excitement in marriage there needs to be more attention given to satisfying your partner sexually when they least expect it.


The best time for this type of activity is when you're going out on a date night or if you have been separated from one another for awhile due to work commitments.

How to make it happen

1) Make sure you're not too close to bedtime and that your alarm is set for a reasonable time. 

2) Set your alarm for 30 minutes before he's supposed to wake up and make sure it's loud enough that you won't sleep through it. 

3) Wait until he falls back asleep, then gently tap or touch him.

 4) Do whatever you want for about five minutes, but make sure you touch him a lot and maybe kiss him on his neck or forehead once in awhile.

 5) You should start to feel like he might be waking up. 

6) Start talking to him quietly in his ear. 

7) If this doesn't work, go ahead and get out of bed, but stay nearby so you can come back when he starts to stir


1. Wake him up with a kiss or a touch

2. Make sure he knows you're there by whispering something into his ear, like I love you. 

3. Have sex with him right away 

4. Hold him and let him know how much you care about him before he goes to work

 5. Tell him what you need from him that day so he can be prepared 

6. Take care of yourself so that when he comes home after work, you'll be able to show him exactly what you want without having to ask

The One Simple Trick for a Perfect Relationship


 The One Simple Trick for a Perfect Relationship


How to have a perfect relationship may sound like an impossible question, but the answer to this burning question could be simpler than you think! While most of us don’t want to admit it, maintaining a healthy and happy relationship isn’t always easy.

 Even if you think you have found your perfect match, there are bound to be times when your relationship won’t feel perfect. If this happens, follow this one simple trick for having the perfect relationship!

Define what a perfect relationship means to you

A perfect relationship is one where both people feel loved and safe. It is important to maintain open communication lines and to be mindful of the needs of your partner. In a perfect relationship, there will be no doubt that you are loved.

It can be easy to let other things distract us from our relationships, but it is worth it in the end because of how happy they make us. To have a perfect relationship you must:

 (1) Define what a perfect relationship means to you; 

(2) Communicate openly with your partner;

 (3) Be mindful of their needs; and

 (4) Accept who they are as an individual. If you need more advice on this subject, read this blog post

Set realistic expectations

Relationships are tricky. There are no hard and fast rules to follow, and even if there were, you couldn't always live up to them. You should never feel like you're constantly trying to fix something that's not broken because it'll only lead to resentment.

 The best way to have a perfect relationship is not by trying too hard but by trying too little. Instead of always doing what's expected of you, try doing something unexpected instead. Make your partner laugh or cry; cook dinner or order takeout; go out to the movies or stay home on the couch. 

These simple acts will show them how much they mean to you without putting any pressure on yourself or your partner.

Communicate, communicate, communicate

1. Communicate. Be honest and open with your partner about everything that's going on in your life, big or small. 

2. Listen to your partner's needs. If your partner is upset about something, find out why and try to make them feel heard and comforted.

 3. Show appreciation for what you have! It doesn't matter if you've been together for two days or twenty years, there are always things to appreciate about the person you love - tell them every chance you get! It can be hard to find the time, but it's worth it. 

Don't wait until your partner gets angry before you say I love you. Make those words more than just words. 

Your relationship will never be perfect, but by communicating and showing gratitude, you can make it as close as possible.

Don't sweat the small stuff

It's easy to get bogged down in your day-to-day life and forget about the big picture. But if you're feeling frustrated with your partner, try focusing on the bigger picture and remember that everyone has faults. 

Try to be understanding and forgiving instead of picking fights. And most importantly, don't sweat the small stuff! If something bothers you about your partner, tell them so they can change their behavior, but also try to see things from their point of view. 

If something bothers them about you, apologize and change your behavior, but also ask what is causing them distress so they can understand why it upsets you.

 The important thing is that we work together as a team and communicate with each other openly and honestly in order to make our relationship the best it can be!

Give your partner the benefit of the doubt

It's so easy to get frustrated with your partner. It's hard to understand why they did the things they did and it's even harder when you can't find an explanation. 

But what if we tried to see the best in them, even when it seems like there is none? What if we could give our partner the benefit of the doubt? What if we assumed that maybe there was some reason behind their actions that made sense to them? 

What if instead of getting angry or upset or feeling hurt by something they said, that we try not to take it personally because they might not have meant anything by it at all?

 What if instead of blaming our partner when something doesn't go as planned or becomes too stressful, that we talk about how to make the best out of whatever situation arises without assigning blame?

Be willing to compromise

Relationships are complicated, and there is no one simple trick that will work on every couple. In fact, it takes an incredible amount of time, patience, and communication to have a happy relationship.

 Nevertheless, the following five points can help you get started:

1) Be willing to compromise. It's not always easy to give in when you know you're right or when you want something more than your partner does. 

But if you don't give in, your relationship may suffer because both people aren't getting what they want. Try instead to consider your partner's needs and wants as much as you do yours and be open to negotiating solutions together. 

2) Don't try to change each other. 

3) Do things together. 

Be honest with yourself

There are two types of people in this world: those who believe that the key to a perfect relationship is compromise, and those who believe that love is enough to maintain it.

 I'm pretty sure I'll never be convinced of the former, but I'm also not about to pretend that love alone is enough for everyone.

I think the problem with telling people what they should do or say in relationships is that we all have different needs, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

Make time for each other

Make time for one another, it's often the little things that count. It doesn't matter if you are married or dating, taking time to connect with your partner is key to keeping the relationship alive and well.

 If you have children, make sure they are taken care of before you start spending alone time with your partner. This will help ensure that everyone gets the attention they deserve.

Appreciate each other

Studies show that if you want to have a better relationship, all you need to do is appreciate each one another. Appreciate small gestures, and put time aside every day to reflect on things you love about your partner. 

This might sound like common sense, but it's so easy to forget the little things when we're caught up in our work or other commitments. 

We often neglect the people who are closest to us because we're too focused on what's happening externally.

Keep the spark alive

One of the simplest ways to keep your relationship going strong is to make it a priority. It's not just about showing up every so often; it's about showing up with your whole heart and mind. 

And when you do, you will be amazed at what happens next. Instead of grumbling about household chores or nagging about where he was last night, you'll have fun doing things together, like going out on a date night or spending time in front of the TV watching something that actually interests both of you.

 You'll also start being able to tell if there are any underlying problems before they become too big, which means less fighting over silly things that don't matter and more making each other feel special.


If you're having a tough time with your relationship, try to remember that it takes two people to create a perfect relationship.

 So if you want to have the perfect relationship, it's important to ask yourself, What can I do? and How can I contribute? The next time you feel discouraged or dissatisfied in your relationship, take responsibility and take action. Remember that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

The Physical and Emotional Effects of Cheating on Your Wife


 The Physical and Emotional Effects of Cheating on Your Wife


Cheating on your wife can have serious emotional and physical consequences, even when it happens just once. 

For example, you may experience the following side effects just from one instance of infidelity: increase in guilt, decreased self-esteem, depression or mood swings, or damage to your relationship with your spouse or loved ones. 

Read on to learn more about the physical and emotional effects of cheating on your wife . . .


Cheating on your wife is a terrible idea. It has devastating effects to both your marriage as well as you. Not only does it lead to fighting, but it also leads to wedding plans being ruined.

 If you're thinking about cheating, here's what might happen You'll fight more than before. There will be tension in the air at all times. The bride will get upset and if you had already set up the wedding, there may not be any point in going through with it anymore.

 As for the groom, he will constantly worry about whether or not his new lover knows that he has a wedding coming up soon.She'll feel ignored by him because she won't have time for her when she wants him the most. 

He'll feel guilty because he's hurting someone who was there from day one, who was always supportive of him and never left his side, who stuck around even when things were hard; even when other people told them they shouldn't stay together because they weren't meant to be. 

But now everything has changed. Fighting doesn't help either party involved in this situation and it will only make things worse.

What drives a man to cheat?

Men often cheat because they are not getting their emotional needs met from the woman in their life. They may feel that their spouse doesn't understand them, or is giving them the cold shoulder for no apparent reason. 

Unfortunately, cheating can quickly escalate into an all-consuming addiction. If a man cheats once he will want to do it again and again to experience those initial feelings of pleasure. The more he cheats, the more his wife's trust diminishes, which results in him being left alone with his desires even more. 

He feels like he has to sneak around so as not to be caught by his wife, but this secrecy makes him feel even worse about himself. He's got a guilty conscience about what he is doing behind her back and constantly asks himself why am I doing this?

 One day after a particularly difficult time at work when the urge was too strong to resist, he cheated on his wife. What happened next? His guilt grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep up the facade any longer; his wife deserved better than him anyway. 

He came clean about everything, telling her how much she meant to him and how sorry he was for hurting her. After some heated discussions, she forgave him and they worked together to heal from what had happened between them.

The physical effects of cheating

Cheating can have the physical effect of causing a decrease in sex drive. Several studies have shown that when a man cheats, he will often lose interest in his wife's sexual advances. Conversely, when a woman cheats, she may become more interested in her partner sexually. 

This is because women are wired to pursue mates who they feel they can't get while men are wired to pursue mates who they know they can get. Research has also shown that women cheat for emotional needs whereas men cheat for sexual needs. 

In other words, most cheating women do so as a result of their partners not meeting their emotional needs. Meanwhile, most cheating men do so as a result of their partners not meeting their sexual needs. Women are typically looking for someone who makes them feel loved or special while men usually want someone who they can be physically intimate with. 

Even though there are some people who believe that it doesn’t matter what the cause is, these studies show otherwise. Understanding why you cheated can help you make better choices in the future.

The emotional effects of cheating

Cheating can lead to depression, guilt, betrayal, insecurity, anger and sorrow. These emotions can make it hard for you to function in your everyday life. This can often lead to anxiety or panic attacks that are brought about by the mental turmoil. 

Some people will blame themselves for being unfaithful or blame their partner for not satisfying them sexually which is not always the case. It’s normal to feel upset and angry but these feelings don’t last forever. It’s important to seek counseling so you can learn coping skills.

 The physical effects: There is no definite answer as there are many factors that may come into play such as whether a woman is pregnant when she contracts an STD or if a man has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, but there have been reports of infection rates among adults climbing each year due to increased promiscuity.

been reported that some STDs may cause infertility in women who contract them and sometimes transmission from one spouse to another. If a woman contracts an STD then her partner must be tested and treated.

 Partners should also be aware that the infections may be passed through contact with body fluids or skin-to-skin contact, even if condoms are used correctly and consistently. Women should also know that men have symptoms too!


Cheating is a sin, plain and simple. There are no excuses. Yet, we've all heard the excuses: I don't love my wife anymore. She doesn't want to have sex. I deserve more than this. 

These are just a few reasons that may lead someone into cheating on their spouse, but let's be clear about one thing - there are NO EXCUSES. Cheating has emotional and physical consequences for both the cheater as well as their partner. 

Both parties will experience emotional pain from the betrayal as well as physical consequences from sexual activity with another person, including contracting STDs or getting pregnant outside of marriage. 

In short, if you're considering cheating on your spouse because you don't love them anymore, don't! It will only hurt them emotionally and physically - not to mention it's sinful in God's eyes. 

Think carefully before you commit adultery. If you do decide to cheat on your spouse, know the risks and seek forgiveness for what you're doing. The consequences are high so think twice before making this decision.

Ten things to look for in a wife to avoid a future divorce


Ten things to look for in a wife to avoid a future divorce 


In order to avoid future marital problems and divorce, it’s important to start off on the right foot with the woman you’re considering marrying.

 Even if it seems like a given that she’s perfect for you, there are some qualities that are more important than others to ensure long-lasting happiness in your marriage, and these should be the ones that you look out for when deciding whether or not to pursue her further. Here are ten things to look for in a wife to avoid a future divorce .

*She loves and respects you

If you're looking for a good wife, there are some qualities that you need to keep an eye out for. First, make sure she loves and respects you.

 Without her love and respect, the other nine qualities won't matter because your marriage won't last long. You want someone who will work with you on parenting as well as share household responsibilities like cooking and cleaning.

 It's important that she is your best friend and supports you in your hobbies or career goals so that together you can be happy. A spouse should also provide emotional support by listening when you have problems. 

*She's easygoing: 

A wife should not stress too much over little details and should always maintain a sense of humor. 

She needs to know how to take care of herself as well, which means knowing what she wants to do outside of being with you, whether it is going shopping or catching up on her favorite TV show without giving you any attitude about it.

*She's your best friend

A good wife is your best friend. She's someone who you can talk to about anything and everything and not have any worries. She should be happy when you're happy, and sad when you're sad.

 You should be able to do anything with her and she should want to do everything with you. A good wife is one who will always have your back, no matter what, and she's someone that won't judge or belittle you when times get tough. 

A good wife will take care of you when you're sick, comfort you when something goes wrong, and laugh with you on the days that are simply too perfect to put into words. Your relationship doesn't have to be perfect every day but it needs to mean something; if it doesn't then there's no point in continuing at all.

*She's honest and trustworthy

When looking for the perfect wife, it's important that she is honest and trustworthy. Consider how she responds when you ask her about her day. Does she seem nervous or hesitant to answer? 

This could be an indication of dishonesty. Does she share too much personal information with you? This could also be an indicator of dishonesty. Ask yourself if this behavior would bother you in the long-term.

 If so, then there may be other red flags lurking around the corner that are worth investigating before committing to this person as your partner. She will put herself first: 

A good spouse will put themselves second and make their partner happy before themselves. Look for someone who doesn't have some secret agenda they're hiding from you .

*She has integrity

Integrity is one of the most important traits to find in a spouse. If she's not honest and upfront with you now, she won't be later on down the road. A woman who has integrity will also be honest with herself and is willing to take responsibility for her actions. 

When she does something wrong, she'll take the time and effort to apologize sincerely and make it right. She'll apologize even when it's not her fault.something .

 She knows that we are all human and we all make mistakes but being able to admit them them is what makes us better people.

*She's loyal

A good wife is loyal and faithful. A great way to tell if she's the right one is by looking at her past relationships. If they've been monogamous and there haven't been any red flags, you're off to a good start.

 In order for your relationship to work, you need someone who will put you first and keep you happy. You may think that this is what you're supposed to do, but it's not. If you want to have an enjoyable life with someone else, then why would you settle for anything less?  

Be persistent: When people say no or are hesitant about something, don't give up just because of that. Figure out why they're hesitant and see if you can find some middle ground.

*She's beautiful inside and out

Beauty is only skin deep, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to what's under the surface. Make sure she's beautiful inside and out before committing. 

There are lots of qualities that make up the perfect woman: she should be kind, funny, caring, loving, smart enough to challenge you intellectually but not so much as to make you feel inadequate. 

If you're looking for someone who can help build your empire while being completely supportive and understanding when you need space, find a girl who has her own empire or business on the side too. And if it sounds like this post is all about looks, keep reading!

*She's fun to be around

If you're looking for a good wife, make sure she's fun to be around! This will ensure that the two of you are always on the same page.

 Plus, if she's funny and can make you laugh, then it will be easier to work through any tough situations that come up along the way.

* She's intelligent: 

Intelligence is such an important quality because it gives her more opportunities to have diverse conversations with different people.

*She's a good listener

A good listener is an important quality to have in a partner. Listening not only helps you get acquainted with your partner better, but it can also help smooth out conflicts that arise because of misunderstandings.

 A great way to tell if she listens is by looking at the other person's eyes while they are talking or listening. If they aren't focused on the person speaking or don't make eye contact with them, then it may be a sign that she isn't really listening.

*She's supportive

It is said that a man's home is his castle. But with the challenges of modern life, it can be difficult to live up to this sentiment. And if one person in your life isn't on board with what you're doing and doesn't want you to succeed, it can make your situation even worse. 

So the first thing you should look for when looking for a spouse is someone who will be your cheerleader. Someone who will support you and help motivate you when times get tough. 

Someone who will stand by you as an ally through good and bad.  someone whose own goals are important to them but they'll never put them ahead of yours.

*She's someone you can count on

A good woman is worth more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10a (NIV) She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

 Proverbs 31:25 (NIV) It is better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a contentious woman. 

Proverbs 21:9 (NIV) Better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.


So there you have it, ten traits that will help you find the perfect partner and avoid an unhappy marriage. Take these suggestions into consideration when searching for your next spouse, and with any luck you'll be able to find someone who is as excited about life as you are! 

If you're a feminist: 

Keep in mind that gender roles exist because they've been around for centuries and change slowly over time; if you want to adopt some of those traditions then do so without feeling ashamed. 

If you're progressive: 

There's nothing wrong with being open minded when it comes to dating outside of your race or religion, but remember to treat people how you want to be treated, not how others want to treat them.

7 Tips to Get the Best Sex and Love from Your Husband



7 Tips to Get the Best Sex and Love from Your Husband

You’ve been married to your husband for a while now, and while you feel like you’re still in love, you also feel like something’s lacking. 

Perhaps it’s the bedroom things might have died down since that early honeymoon phase, or maybe it’s the way he treats you during the day he could show you more affection and attention than he does now.  

To get your marriage back on track and improve things between you and your husband, try these seven tips to get the best sex and love from your husband.

1) Talk about sex

 Sex is a major component in any relationship. If you want a happy, committed marriage then you need to be having sex on a regular basis.

 Don't wait for your husband to initiate it, take charge of your needs and ask him for what you want!  it's really hot. 

2) Initiate sex


From the interview I got from a man that's enjoying his marriage, he said

"My wife is always telling me how much she loves me. I try to tell her that I love her too, but words are hard for me.

 After kissing her for a long time, we would start having sex. She would grab my penis with both hands and move it in and out of her vagina until I came into her.

 Sometimes, when she was riding on top of me like this, she would look up at me and say I love you over and over again". That's what makes a marriage work!

3) Set the mood

Another interview said

"We've been married for a year now and I have to admit, my wife is pretty amazing. She cooks, cleans, does all of the dishes, washes clothes and even washes my car! There's really nothing that she won't do for me. 

That said, I want to repay her in kind because she deserves it. What makes her happy? Sex, she says. Well then...I'm going to make sure we're having more sex than we were before. I found some great sites with tips on how to get better at sex so that should help too. 

In return for all of these things she does for me I know what will make her happy: more sex. It may seem like a simple answer but when you think about it if my wife wasn't happy then what would be the point in any of this?"

4) Be responsive

From also what I gathered from interview

"My wife is amazing. I love her deeply, she is my best friend, someone who makes me laugh and feel at home." 

But it wasn't always like this. Marriage takes work on both sides. Here are 7 tips that you can use to get the best sex and love from your husband:

1) When he comes home make him dinner or offer him a drink- greet him with a smile- ask how his day was- listen attentively.

 2) Have some sexy clothes around just in case he feels spontaneous- wear something sexy when you know he's going to be coming home later in the evening.

 3) Never criticize what your partner does for a living - appreciate all their hard work and efforts.

 4) If there's one thing you don't have time for, let them know so they don't feel pressured into doing it.

5) Take care of yourself

My wife is a big believer in mental health. She knows that if she takes care of herself, I'm going to be better able to take care of her.

 Sometimes this means taking an extra yoga class or cooking more than my share for dinner. It's not always easy, but it's worth it.

#1: Take care of yourself so you can take care of your husband and kids. Investing time in ourselves is necessary to invest time in others. 

My wife has been doing more yoga lately, which seems to help with the stress of work and parenting two busy boys under four years old. 

Plus she doesn't come home exhausted every night anymore! 

It may seem selfish at first, but when you start investing in yourself, your spouse will notice the difference. He'll feel happier too!

6) Communicate

1) My wife loves it when I come home every night with a bouquet of flowers. 

2) I take her out for a nice dinner at least once a week. 

3) I always take her out on dates, even if we are just going to see a movie.

 4) She loves it when I bring her breakfast in bed on Saturday mornings.

 5) My wife is so happy when she gets flowers delivered right before Valentine's Day!

 6) When my wife goes on a date with me, I can't wait to hear all about what happened afterward.

 7) Sometimes my wife will ask me how I like something that she cooked or made and say that next time she'll make something else (like more chicken).

7) Be adventurous

Another interview

"My wife and I have been together for years now. We've always had a lot of sex, but we've never really talked about it. 

So, when she suggested we take some time to get more adventurous in bed, I was intrigued. We agreed that every other week we'd try something new until we had a list of things we liked doing together in bed.

 It's been so much fun! And because my wife always knows what I'm thinking before I say it, there are fewer arguments as well. It doesn't matter if you're single or married: Be open-minded about your sexual desires. You might be surprised at how much happier you can be with yourself and your partner if you do.

Conclusion: Men need appreciation just as much as women. So, for those of you who want your husband or partner to be more loving, try this. For those of you with husbands that are not very romantic,I will advice you to  do what the interview  wives does and surprise them with flowers or make their favorite meal! And when they say thank you make sure you say thank YOU too!

How to Seduce My Husband: 10 Tips to Get Him in the Mood Tonight


best date sites, romance movies, falling in love,bigvicki

 How to Seduce My Husband: 10 Tips to Get Him in the Mood Tonight

Seduction isn’t just about the bedroom, even if that’s where most people think it happens. Seduction is about making your spouse desire to spend time with you and want to be around you whenever possible. If you find yourself in the mood but your husband has other plans, keep these 10 tips in mind to get your husband in the mood tonight!

1) Talk dirty

1. Use his name

2. Tell him what you want him to do 

3. Ask for what you want 

4. Touch him everywhere 

5. Whisper dirty things in his ear

 6. Sit on his lap  

7. Draw attention to parts of your body that are turned on 

8. Have fun!

2) Wear something sexy

1. Wear a sexy outfit that shows off your body 

2. Keep your hair and makeup on point 

3. Create romantic environment with candles, soft music, and dim lights 

4. Send him a sexy text message or call him 

5. Touch yourself while he watches

3) Send him a naughty text

Hey baby, what are you up to? I want you. I want your hands all over me and your body on top of mine. Let's get each other off tonight. 

You'll be home soon right? I want to feel your tongue lapping at my skin as my fingers tangle themselves in your hair.  

You can't resist my tight I'm yours for the taking so come home now.

4) Touch him

Touch him. That's right, I'm telling you to go ahead and touch him. Whether it's kissing his neck or rubbing your hands up and down his chest, touching is an easy way to get your guy in the mood.

 Plus, he may not be a mind reader so if you want something from him then it might be best to just tell him. Just make sure he knows what you want before going for it or else he might get the wrong idea. 

You should also refrain from touching some areas of his body like his feet because they're considered intimate zones. When in doubt, ask him if you can touch somewhere specific on his body or ask where he would like to be touched.

5) Play hard to get

If you're looking for a surefire way to get your man in the mood, play hard to get. Men are naturally competitive and want what they can't have. So, if you find yourself constantly giving him everything he wants, try letting him know that sometimes you're going to be busy with work or other priorities. 

He'll see that as an opportunity to come and sweep you off your feet when he has free time! Use this to your advantage by putting out his fires and tending to his needs before telling him you won't be available. Give him something new to look forward to every day: Men love surprises, so make sure there is always something new on the horizon.

6) Flirt with him

Hey there, sexy! You're looking handsome as ever today. You know, you've got me thinking of all sorts of naughty things I want to do with you. Let's get out of here and go have some fun. Hold on tight, because this night is going to be so amazing.

7) Make eye contact

Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of a successful seduction. When you make eye contact with your guy, it makes him feel like he's being seen for who he really is and it builds intimacy between the two of you. 

If he doesn't feel comfortable making eye contact with you, then he probably feels uncomfortable around you, too. Try to break down his walls by asking him about himself or just showing an interest in what he has to say.

 Acknowledge his hard work at work: Men want validation from their partners, so if they do something great at work, acknowledge it! 

If they made dinner, comment on how good it smells. If they just got promoted at work, congratulate them! Even if all they did was take out the trash today - tell them that you're proud of their effort.

8) Give him a massage

Massage is one of the best ways to seduce your man. It's a great way for you to touch him and for him to feel loved and appreciated. Plus, it's just an excuse for you both to get naked! Here are some tips on how give a great massage:


1. Make sure that you're both in a good mood before starting. A massage isn't supposed to make anyone feel bad or guilty so if things are tense before hand, don't start! 

Instead, put on some sexy music, take off all your clothes (unless you're going to be giving him a foot massage), and have fun with it. Once you've finished with the massage, go ahead and enjoy whatever other activities you had planned!

9) Cook his favorite meal

It's hard to feel sexy when you're not feeling well. But by making an effort, you'll show him that he's important and that you care about his mood. Here are some tips for getting your husband into the mood tonight: 

1. Cook his favorite meal. 

2. Try a new flavor of ice cream or pick up a pint of his favorite beer for dessert. 

3. Tell him he's handsome.

 4. Wear your sexiest underwear underneath a button-down shirt (the buttons should be left undone). 

5. If you have kids, put them to bed early so you can focus on each other without distractions. 

6. Clean the house from top to bottom before taking out the trash (or hire someone else to do it!). 

7. Turn off all electronics so there is no way to multitask while snuggling on the couch together watching TV with your significant other .

10) Be confident

The first step to seducing your husband is knowing how you want him. You should know what turns him on and what makes him feel loved. This will help you make decisions about what you're going to wear, where you're going to go, and how fast or slow you'll want the night to progress. 

In order for your husband's seduction planplan to work, he has to be in the mood. If he's feeling a little down, frustrated with work, bored with life in general or if something else seems to be getting his attention more than you are, then it might take a little extra effort to get his attention back.

 That said, even if your man is not interested right away--or ever--that doesn't mean that you can't show up as confident as always and let him see just why he fell for you in the first place.

conclusion conclusion

You can seduce your husband by following these simple steps: 

1) Leave a trail of clothing as you walk from room to room.

 2) Give him a sensual massage. 

3) Wear an outfit that makes you feel sexy, like a teddy or something with see-through lace. 

4) Slip into bed beside him and whisper what you want him to do to you. 

5) Take control and show him how you like to be touched.

 6) Watch him fall in love with you all over again! 

7) Be patient; it might take time for him to get comfortable giving up control. 

8) Spend more time on foreplay than ever before so he’s not rushing anything.

 9) Make sure he knows he’s wanted and loved by always telling him how much you care about his needs and desires, not just yours. 

10) Remember, you don't need to try every single one of these tips to get him interested in sex--sometimes trying new things together can be very exciting.

 11) If you're feeling shy or nervous, remember that it's okay to say no.

 12) If he still won't listen to your sexual needs after all these steps, then it's possible that he is thinking about leaving you.

 13) Talk to a counselor if this is the case because there may be unresolved issues between the two of you.

7 Ways to Treat Your Pregnant Wife Like a Queen


 7 Ways to Treat Your Pregnant Wife Like a Queen


hidden pregnancy signs,chemical pregnancy,early signs of pregnancy

Your wife has gone through an incredible amount of stress and hardship during her pregnancy, so it’s important to treat her like royalty now that she’s carrying your child. These seven ways to treat your pregnant wife like a queen will help you show your appreciation and adoration for the woman who will soon bring your new family member into the world!

If you are finding it hard on how to treat your pregnant wife, follow the guidelines below

1) Listen to her

Listening to your pregnant wife is one of the best ways you can treat her like royalty. She's going through a lot, and she probably feels very vulnerable.

 You may be tempted to boss her around and tell her what to do, but when she needs it most, it's time for you to shut up and listen. Sit down with her and let her vent about the things that are bothering her. Don't dismiss anything she says or wave off any fears as just being pregnant.

 Don't take everything out on her: If you're feeling frustrated because your spouse is doing more than their fair share of work around the house or if they aren't getting enough sleep, don't take those feelings out on them. 

Just because they are pregnant doesn't mean they're not entitled to their feelings. Give them space: If there's something they want to do that seems like too much physical exertion, don't make them feel guilty for wanting some downtime.

2) Help with the housework

While you'll need to cut back on some of your daily chores during her pregnancy, try and continue as many tasks as possible. This will help keep the household running smoothly while you're busy taking care of her every need.

 Tell her how happy you are about their impending arrival: She might not always feel confident about how pregnant she looks but it's important that she knows how much you love and adore her.

3) Take care of her

Remember that she's carrying another human being in her body, and the weight can be hard on her back and joints. Be gentle. Help her with household tasks when possible. Give her cuddles and kisses when she needs them or wants them. 

Let your wife know that you're there for her, and that you'll always be there for her as she goes through this very special time in life together. Always try to be understanding, compassionate and supportive throughout all stages of pregnancy.

 Share your concerns openly with your partner and don't hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Remember that while pregnant, it is best to not have sex during the last 3 months. Some women may experience heartburn due to increased production of stomach acid so some helpful remedies are an over-the-counter antacid (such as Tums) or a digestive enzyme like Pepcid AC which breaks down excess stomach acid.

4) Give her massages

You may be feeling like you're walking on eggshells, but it's important that you don't let this pregnancy take over your lives. One way you can show her love and support is by giving her massages.

 This will help make the physical aspects of pregnancy more tolerable for her and give her some relaxation time.

1) Make sure she has pillows propped up under the stomach and in between the knees so that she feels comfortable. 

2) Rub the oil onto her hands and wrists, then onto her back. 

3) Use firm pressure all across the back using long strokes.

 4) Be mindful of any sensitive areas such as the neck or hips when applying pressure. 

5) Listen to what she wants during the massage. Some people prefer light pressure while others need deep tissue work. 

6) Encourage her to relax and breathe deeply throughout the massage.

5) Take her out

If you are struggling with what to do for your pregnant wife, take her out. Take her out on a date night. Take her out on an evening when it is just the two of you and enjoy some alone time together. 

You will be surprised how well this works and how much your relationship can improve in such little time. The second way to treat your pregnant wife like a queen is by showering her with affection and attention. 

Even if she doesn't feel like going out or doing anything at all, take some time and sit down next to her and give her as much attention as possible. Sit down next to her for 30 minutes every day or spend 30 minutes giving massages every day; these things will make a huge difference.

6) Be patient

No matter what kind of relationship you have, the anticipation and excitement of bringing your first child into the world will be an incredible experience.

 You may not know what to expect or what this next chapter in your life will entail, but you can be sure that it'll be one you'll cherish forever. One thing that you must do is be patient with your wife as she goes through this process. 

She might need more time to complete chores around the house, cook dinner, get ready for bed, etc., so you should try not to pressure her. She's also going through hormonal changes which can cause mood swings and make her irritable at times; just be understanding when those moments happen and don't take them personally. 

Give her a break by cooking dinner occasionally or helping out around the house if she needs help managing everything that's happening right now.

7) Tell her she's beautiful

Pregnancy is not only an exciting time, it's also one of the most difficult and exhausting. You may be feeling exhausted or like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and that can make it hard for you to see how beautiful you are. 

Tell your wife that she's beautiful every day, even if she's not wearing makeup and her hair isn't done. She needs to know you still think she's beautiful, inside and out.  

Give her all the kisses: She deserves kisses all day long! Whenever possible, find ways to kiss her - when she gets in bed at night before bedtime; after breakfast in the morning; right when you walk through the door at night; before she leaves for work in the morning; etc.


This week, as we celebrate Mother's Day, I'm taking time to reflect on all the little ways you can show your pregnant wife some love. I'm so grateful that my husband is my biggest cheerleader and supporter through this pregnancy. 

I've put together 7 ways for you to treat your pregnant wife like a queen this week . You'll be surprised how just a few small gestures will make her feel extra special this weekend.

 The first thing he should do? Bring her breakfast in bed! It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just toast with an egg and cheese or muffin with butter and honey will do nicely! After she has eaten, you can enjoy your coffee while reading her favorite book - whichever one she was reading when she told you she was pregnant. Just seeing it will make her remember what an amazing moment it was.

Don't Be the Girl Who Sleeps Over Too Soon: A Dating Tip


 Don't Be the Girl Who Sleeps Over Too Soon: A Dating Tip


first date,questions to ask on a first date,good first date ideas,what to wear on a first date,what to talk about on a first date,good first date questions

If you’re interested in getting to know someone beyond a first date, it’s important to be mindful of how you handle yourself, especially when it comes to sleeping in the house of a new guy. 

You might think that because you’re just sleeping in his bedroom and leaving first thing in the morning that no one will ever have to know about it, but your actions will speak much louder than your words. 

If you sleep over with little to no invitation from him, then people will assume something happened between the two of you  and not necessarily in the good way, either!

The following outlines will guide you on your first date with him

*You Deserve Better

 You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who loves you and wants to spend time with you.

 You don't need to settle for less, even if it's easier than being alone. 

What do you think? Do these dating tips help? If not, what are some other things that would make it easier? Please share your thoughts in the comment below! I want to hear from people like you because I'm always trying to improve myself. 

There are many things that would make this easier one of them is self-confidence. It takes time to build up your self-esteem, but it's worth it in the end!

*The Dangers of Sleeping Over Too Soon

   The risk of sleeping over too soon is that you lose sight of why you’re dating, and it brings sex into a place where it doesn’t belong.

 You start to confuse sex with intimacy, which makes relationships both new ones and existing ones difficult to navigate. 

For example, if a guy can sleep with a girl whenever he wants, then he doesn’t need to respect her boundaries or care about whether she has feelings for him.

 He will use sex as a bargaining chip in order to get what he wants from her and not have any concern for what this does to the woman's self-esteem.

 Sleeping together before marriage also leads couples down paths they don't want to be on later in life; like divorce rates being so high today. Sex before marriage is something that shouldn't be taken lightly because there are risks involved (sex).

*He's Not That Into You

Sleeping in a man's house is a sure sign he wants to sleep with you. Not that you don't want to have sex with him, but if he hasn't tried too hard to impress you up until this point, then it means that he only cares about your body and not your intellect.

 If you're so ready for marriage and kids, then sleeping in his bed should be the last thing on your agenda. Keep some of your mystery by respecting yourself. Don't give away all of yourself before he gets around to giving himself to you in other words, protect what's yours! 

You'll know when he actually likes you because instead of making one-time jokes or passive aggressive comments, he'll come out and say something like Can we talk?

*Play It Safe

When you are dating someone, it is important to establish boundaries. If sleeping over at their place too soon can lead to a misleading interpretation of your intentions, don't do it. 

It's better to err on the side of caution than lose your chance with someone great because you were too quick to sleep over. Give yourself some space and time to get to know them before doing anything more. 

It's only natural that you want what feels good and comfortable- but don't forget that feeling safe matters too. Keep this in mind as you're making decisions about who and how far you're willing to go in a relationship.


There are so many questions that come up when you sleep in the house of a man you are dating, what do I wear? Where do I sleep? What do I say if he tries to touch me? 

It is important to be aware of the risk and protect yourself. If you think it will help, talk with your family or friends before making this decision. 

You can also make sure to have a plan and set boundaries. For example, you might want to agree ahead of time on where you will sleep (his bedroom vs couch) or how far physical contact is permitted.

You should also know how to get out quickly if things go bad. The National Sexual Assault Hotline has free 24/7 phone service that provides confidential crisis intervention, counseling and referrals to local health care providers. And they will answer any question you have anonymously.