Don't Be the Girl Who Sleeps Over Too Soon: A Dating Tip


 Don't Be the Girl Who Sleeps Over Too Soon: A Dating Tip


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If you’re interested in getting to know someone beyond a first date, it’s important to be mindful of how you handle yourself, especially when it comes to sleeping in the house of a new guy. 

You might think that because you’re just sleeping in his bedroom and leaving first thing in the morning that no one will ever have to know about it, but your actions will speak much louder than your words. 

If you sleep over with little to no invitation from him, then people will assume something happened between the two of you  and not necessarily in the good way, either!

The following outlines will guide you on your first date with him

*You Deserve Better

 You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who loves you and wants to spend time with you.

 You don't need to settle for less, even if it's easier than being alone. 

What do you think? Do these dating tips help? If not, what are some other things that would make it easier? Please share your thoughts in the comment below! I want to hear from people like you because I'm always trying to improve myself. 

There are many things that would make this easier one of them is self-confidence. It takes time to build up your self-esteem, but it's worth it in the end!

*The Dangers of Sleeping Over Too Soon

   The risk of sleeping over too soon is that you lose sight of why you’re dating, and it brings sex into a place where it doesn’t belong.

 You start to confuse sex with intimacy, which makes relationships both new ones and existing ones difficult to navigate. 

For example, if a guy can sleep with a girl whenever he wants, then he doesn’t need to respect her boundaries or care about whether she has feelings for him.

 He will use sex as a bargaining chip in order to get what he wants from her and not have any concern for what this does to the woman's self-esteem.

 Sleeping together before marriage also leads couples down paths they don't want to be on later in life; like divorce rates being so high today. Sex before marriage is something that shouldn't be taken lightly because there are risks involved (sex).

*He's Not That Into You

Sleeping in a man's house is a sure sign he wants to sleep with you. Not that you don't want to have sex with him, but if he hasn't tried too hard to impress you up until this point, then it means that he only cares about your body and not your intellect.

 If you're so ready for marriage and kids, then sleeping in his bed should be the last thing on your agenda. Keep some of your mystery by respecting yourself. Don't give away all of yourself before he gets around to giving himself to you in other words, protect what's yours! 

You'll know when he actually likes you because instead of making one-time jokes or passive aggressive comments, he'll come out and say something like Can we talk?

*Play It Safe

When you are dating someone, it is important to establish boundaries. If sleeping over at their place too soon can lead to a misleading interpretation of your intentions, don't do it. 

It's better to err on the side of caution than lose your chance with someone great because you were too quick to sleep over. Give yourself some space and time to get to know them before doing anything more. 

It's only natural that you want what feels good and comfortable- but don't forget that feeling safe matters too. Keep this in mind as you're making decisions about who and how far you're willing to go in a relationship.


There are so many questions that come up when you sleep in the house of a man you are dating, what do I wear? Where do I sleep? What do I say if he tries to touch me? 

It is important to be aware of the risk and protect yourself. If you think it will help, talk with your family or friends before making this decision. 

You can also make sure to have a plan and set boundaries. For example, you might want to agree ahead of time on where you will sleep (his bedroom vs couch) or how far physical contact is permitted.

You should also know how to get out quickly if things go bad. The National Sexual Assault Hotline has free 24/7 phone service that provides confidential crisis intervention, counseling and referrals to local health care providers. And they will answer any question you have anonymously.