The Physical and Emotional Effects of Cheating on Your Wife


 The Physical and Emotional Effects of Cheating on Your Wife


Cheating on your wife can have serious emotional and physical consequences, even when it happens just once. 

For example, you may experience the following side effects just from one instance of infidelity: increase in guilt, decreased self-esteem, depression or mood swings, or damage to your relationship with your spouse or loved ones. 

Read on to learn more about the physical and emotional effects of cheating on your wife . . .


Cheating on your wife is a terrible idea. It has devastating effects to both your marriage as well as you. Not only does it lead to fighting, but it also leads to wedding plans being ruined.

 If you're thinking about cheating, here's what might happen You'll fight more than before. There will be tension in the air at all times. The bride will get upset and if you had already set up the wedding, there may not be any point in going through with it anymore.

 As for the groom, he will constantly worry about whether or not his new lover knows that he has a wedding coming up soon.She'll feel ignored by him because she won't have time for her when she wants him the most. 

He'll feel guilty because he's hurting someone who was there from day one, who was always supportive of him and never left his side, who stuck around even when things were hard; even when other people told them they shouldn't stay together because they weren't meant to be. 

But now everything has changed. Fighting doesn't help either party involved in this situation and it will only make things worse.

What drives a man to cheat?

Men often cheat because they are not getting their emotional needs met from the woman in their life. They may feel that their spouse doesn't understand them, or is giving them the cold shoulder for no apparent reason. 

Unfortunately, cheating can quickly escalate into an all-consuming addiction. If a man cheats once he will want to do it again and again to experience those initial feelings of pleasure. The more he cheats, the more his wife's trust diminishes, which results in him being left alone with his desires even more. 

He feels like he has to sneak around so as not to be caught by his wife, but this secrecy makes him feel even worse about himself. He's got a guilty conscience about what he is doing behind her back and constantly asks himself why am I doing this?

 One day after a particularly difficult time at work when the urge was too strong to resist, he cheated on his wife. What happened next? His guilt grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep up the facade any longer; his wife deserved better than him anyway. 

He came clean about everything, telling her how much she meant to him and how sorry he was for hurting her. After some heated discussions, she forgave him and they worked together to heal from what had happened between them.

The physical effects of cheating

Cheating can have the physical effect of causing a decrease in sex drive. Several studies have shown that when a man cheats, he will often lose interest in his wife's sexual advances. Conversely, when a woman cheats, she may become more interested in her partner sexually. 

This is because women are wired to pursue mates who they feel they can't get while men are wired to pursue mates who they know they can get. Research has also shown that women cheat for emotional needs whereas men cheat for sexual needs. 

In other words, most cheating women do so as a result of their partners not meeting their emotional needs. Meanwhile, most cheating men do so as a result of their partners not meeting their sexual needs. Women are typically looking for someone who makes them feel loved or special while men usually want someone who they can be physically intimate with. 

Even though there are some people who believe that it doesn’t matter what the cause is, these studies show otherwise. Understanding why you cheated can help you make better choices in the future.

The emotional effects of cheating

Cheating can lead to depression, guilt, betrayal, insecurity, anger and sorrow. These emotions can make it hard for you to function in your everyday life. This can often lead to anxiety or panic attacks that are brought about by the mental turmoil. 

Some people will blame themselves for being unfaithful or blame their partner for not satisfying them sexually which is not always the case. It’s normal to feel upset and angry but these feelings don’t last forever. It’s important to seek counseling so you can learn coping skills.

 The physical effects: There is no definite answer as there are many factors that may come into play such as whether a woman is pregnant when she contracts an STD or if a man has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, but there have been reports of infection rates among adults climbing each year due to increased promiscuity.

been reported that some STDs may cause infertility in women who contract them and sometimes transmission from one spouse to another. If a woman contracts an STD then her partner must be tested and treated.

 Partners should also be aware that the infections may be passed through contact with body fluids or skin-to-skin contact, even if condoms are used correctly and consistently. Women should also know that men have symptoms too!


Cheating is a sin, plain and simple. There are no excuses. Yet, we've all heard the excuses: I don't love my wife anymore. She doesn't want to have sex. I deserve more than this. 

These are just a few reasons that may lead someone into cheating on their spouse, but let's be clear about one thing - there are NO EXCUSES. Cheating has emotional and physical consequences for both the cheater as well as their partner. 

Both parties will experience emotional pain from the betrayal as well as physical consequences from sexual activity with another person, including contracting STDs or getting pregnant outside of marriage. 

In short, if you're considering cheating on your spouse because you don't love them anymore, don't! It will only hurt them emotionally and physically - not to mention it's sinful in God's eyes. 

Think carefully before you commit adultery. If you do decide to cheat on your spouse, know the risks and seek forgiveness for what you're doing. The consequences are high so think twice before making this decision.