How To Satisfy My Partner First Thing In The Morning


 How to satisfy my partner first thing in the morning


If you’re like me, you’re usually up first thing in the morning. And if you’re up first, your partner probably isn’t far behind you.

 She or he wakes up and comes to you looking for some physical affection, and while this may seem nice at first glance, there are many ways that this can actually be pretty frustrating.

 Here’s how to satisfy your partner first thing in the morning so that neither of you feels that your needs aren’t being met first thing in the morning!

The benefits of a good morning

A good morning starts with sex. A study found that people with a more active sex life were happier and healthier overall.

 It's important for your relationship as well- A relationship is all about communication, which is difficult if you're not having sex.

 It also relieves stress, which can be devastating to your health over time. Plus, it releases endorphins, which will make you feel better mentally and physically.

 Sex is a great way to spice up your relationship- the best way! I'm sure you've noticed how some of your friends date different guys, but then always come back to their boyfriend after a few weeks? The problem was that they never satisfied their boyfriend enough so they went elsewhere to get what they needed.

 In order to keep him happy, I'll make sure I satisfy him first thing in the morning before he has time to worry or daydream about anything else.

Tips for a great morning

Many people wake up with an erection as a result of REM sleep. This is a natural occurrence and doesn’t mean anything about your sexual desire for your partner.

 For couples, it may be an opportunity for intimacy. However, some men are not aroused by their wives or girlfriends and this can cause problems within the marriage. One way to overcome this problem is by waking up before your spouse and giving them oral sex while they are still asleep.

 If you want to go further you could use vibrating sex toys on his penis. 

In order to create more excitement in marriage there needs to be more attention given to satisfying your partner sexually when they least expect it.


The best time for this type of activity is when you're going out on a date night or if you have been separated from one another for awhile due to work commitments.

How to make it happen

1) Make sure you're not too close to bedtime and that your alarm is set for a reasonable time. 

2) Set your alarm for 30 minutes before he's supposed to wake up and make sure it's loud enough that you won't sleep through it. 

3) Wait until he falls back asleep, then gently tap or touch him.

 4) Do whatever you want for about five minutes, but make sure you touch him a lot and maybe kiss him on his neck or forehead once in awhile.

 5) You should start to feel like he might be waking up. 

6) Start talking to him quietly in his ear. 

7) If this doesn't work, go ahead and get out of bed, but stay nearby so you can come back when he starts to stir


1. Wake him up with a kiss or a touch

2. Make sure he knows you're there by whispering something into his ear, like I love you. 

3. Have sex with him right away 

4. Hold him and let him know how much you care about him before he goes to work

 5. Tell him what you need from him that day so he can be prepared 

6. Take care of yourself so that when he comes home after work, you'll be able to show him exactly what you want without having to ask